The Team

The Team:

Oliver Austin: 2D Artist / Game Designer
Travis Kehler: Level Designer
Tessa Liddington: Programmer / Technical Artist
Osei Mcmillan: Concept Artist / Game Designer
Andrew Richards: Game Designer / Story Scripter
Dylan Rinker: 2D Artist / Concept Artist
Alexis Stinson: 2D Artist / Concept Artist

Members and positions may vary depending on schedules and skills available. The final list will become available when the game is finished!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Testing in Mobile

So we're almost ready to actually making it look pretty!  I've got the PC controls and mobile controls working, a lot of bugs pertaining to winning the game still remain, but the mechanics have been hashed through and are decent enough to enjoy the game.


A screen shot of the Pretend being tested in Device Central.

The mobile controls obviously won't be available for testing here, only the PC controls will be published.  But as you can see in the image above, there are two "input zones" as I've been calling them.  The zone on the left is always jump (except it goes inactive when you become the bird) while the right adapts to be the special move (also becomes inactive when you become the bird).  To move forward and backward, you tilt the phone in that direction.

For what it's worth, I was super proud in getting the accelerometer working properly!

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's a Mobile Game?

Why yes, yes it is!  Pretend will become a mobile game for the iOS in about two weeks when I finish up the new controls, but I'll be having this game available to be played on my personal iPhone at the Portfolio Review on September 13th, 2012.

After the new controls are made available (there will still be the testing versions for the PC here), I'll be fixing the collision issues.  I've known what they were for a while, I just need to find the time to getting them.  Lots of projects!  Also, the issue with the back buttons were solved.

Apparently the movie clips on the main timeline didn't like having simple buttons in them.  All is well though, I solved the issue by turning the simple buttons into movie clips and then just programmed the hover states myself.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything pretty to show just yet.  Come back in a week or two, I may have something updated then!